Buy a Student bike (In AMS shop or UNI intro)


Together with our partner, we offer high-quality but affordable refurbished bikes (brand Qwic Professional), previously owned by your fellow international students. You will be able to collect your bike at the Student Mobility office in Amsterdam or at the University intro's in Utrecht, Nijmegen and Rotterdam.

Handbrakes - Rollerbrake's
7-Gears by Shimano Nexus
unbreakable aluminium frame
Including; framelock, front and back lights and a bell

Selling price: 250 EUR

Don't wait too long as the stock is limited...

Click the button "ADD TO CART" below and go to your "Shopping Cart" in the top menu to complete your order!

Student Mobility
KVK registration: 89253221
VAT: NL864924720B01
Amsterdam, The Netherlands 
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